huge thunder storm at 0100 with torrential rain (luckily I’d put my fly on before going to bed) late start with breakfast at 0730 – packed lunches for the bus journey for some strange reason Dominic decided he wanted to…

huge thunder storm at 0100 with torrential rain (luckily I’d put my fly on before going to bed) late start with breakfast at 0730 – packed lunches for the bus journey for some strange reason Dominic decided he wanted to…
pretty good night’s sleep, with hardly any noise and no neighbours backtrack to busy town on my own Canadian Kevin caught me, then David and Eleanor – stayed ‘on the train’ till around 55km when I needed to eat (they…
All the usual commotion in the night, with the soccer teams returning and yahooing round for ages and then the music in town cranking up and playing through till dawn, so as is often the way in West Africa not…
A quick update to let you know that I’m much improved today. Yesterday, our rest day in Yamoussoukro, I ended up quite a bit worse so it was back to the gastro antibiotics (to give me a total of three…
It wasn’t as quiet as I’d expected last night – there was some sort of highly-amplified happy-clappy church service going on somewhere through the bushes which last from 2200 to 0200 which rather detracted from the seemingly quiet rural location.…
It’s amazing what a difference 24 hours can make – yesterday before lunch I was comfortably cruising along at around 30km/h chatting with people as I went and having a great day out. This morning I was struggling to average…
While we were waiting for dinner last night the lightening started, then the thunder and finally the rain came – in bucket loads! Which given that there was no water in the taps at the hotel was something of an…
Not the best night’s sleep I ever had – I woke around midnight to discover I had a couple of mozzies in my tent and they’d been biting me which meant that not only did I have to find and…
Back to Plan A which is that we’re going to be staying at the hotel which all sounds vastly superior to me! It also means I don’t have to worry about navigation because the gpx track I have on my…
One of the worst nights sleep in a long time – just was I was going to sleep I woke with a start and realised I was going to throw up, the only thing I had control over was getting…