Steve's Cycling Blog

A trip to Ethiopia

So this isn’t a cycling post, but I wanted somewhere to share the photos from our trip to Ethiopia and this seemed like the best place.

The trip was in honour of my turning 50 with the primary objective of looking at the lava lake in the top of Erta Ale, an active volcano. Things didn’t quite go to plan, with one thing and three others, like the Cornoavirus, but we had a generally fun time all the same.

This is mostly a photo archive so there’s not much story but feel free to post questions if you have them.


Addis to Awash

Awash national park

Awash to Logia

Logia to Afdera


I watched this bird for ages trying to figure out what it was doing – from the left if fresh (hot) water coming into the lake. I initially thought it was drinking, but it was actually fishing!

Afdera to Erta Ale camp

Erta by night

Around Erta camp

Erta by day

Erta to Hamedela


Salt columns and pools

Still to come