I slept well in stages last night – my decision to go far away from everyone else didn’t work out so well because it meant I was super-close to the group of policemen assigned to keep an eye on us…

I slept well in stages last night – my decision to go far away from everyone else didn’t work out so well because it meant I was super-close to the group of policemen assigned to keep an eye on us…
The wind continued to blow through the night and was making my tent creak rather a lot, but I managed to sleep through most of it. A shower around 0600 had me a little worried that I might be packing…
It rained off-and-on overnight, and the wind has continued to blow in the ‘right’ direction – long may that continue! (Not the rain – that can go, but the winds from the north can definitely stay). After a slow start…
It happened! Once again the wind turned 180 degrees overnight only this time that was great news because it meant the wind would be behind us! The four of us (Kevin, Kevin, Mateo (Kevin) and I (Steve Kevin)`) set off…
The lights didn’t bother me any in the end I lay down, I went to sleep, end of story. I did need to pee in the night at which point I discovered that we had a police guard and that…
A nice night for camping, though it did get quite chilly – i’ve been using my sleeping bag more than I expected I would so far on this trip! Being under the palms was nice when it was sunny, but…
I slept so well last night – I was in bed by 2030 and asleep about 1 min later I think . A quick trip out at 0230, and the next thing I knew someone nearby was packing up their…
TMI warning: I had some stomach cramps and something of a runny bottom yesterday afternoon / evening and was concerned that might continue over night, but though I didn’t sleep very well, things settled down and I’m feeling good this…
A good night’s sleep with even something of a sleep-in, not really waking up until 0830 by which time I was well and truly ready for breakfast. As I was walking back from dinner last night I’d spotted a good…
I know that I start each post with the night before, but after eating sleeping is probably the most important thing for ensuring a happy day on the bike – a rubbish night’s sleep generally leads to a tough day…