Despite the fact that we were all camped pretty close to each other last night the white noise of the waterfall helped to drown out the nightly noises of my fellow campers whilst also keeping things nice and cool. Everything…

Despite the fact that we were all camped pretty close to each other last night the white noise of the waterfall helped to drown out the nightly noises of my fellow campers whilst also keeping things nice and cool. Everything…
Even colder last night than it had been the previous night – 8 degrees under my very, very wet fly – the drop in temperature overnight meant the water had to go somewhere, and a lot of that was on…
I actually needed my sleeping bag last night and it was only 11 degrees when we set off – a significant change from what we’ve been having recently – don’t panic Kim we head back to lower altitudes and higher temperatures…
So this seemed like it was going to be such a good spot right up until the point they started the generator just as we were getting ready for bed. The noise was one thing, but the real problem was…
An eventful evening after we got back from getting our ice cream last night. As we returned to camp Mateo came up to say that he’s going to be leaving the tour tomorrow and taking a bus back to Dakar.…
Tonight’s our last night in Senegal, and I’ve still got loads of data left on my SIM card, but where we’re camped there’s basically no coverage so I’m not able to get any proper posts uploaded. Its been hot work…
I had expected there would be dew or condensation on my tent this morning as by around 0400 it had cooled to the point that I had to pull the fly over the end of my tent, and my sleeping…
There was a mozie in our room which was bothering Kevin shortly before 0300 so he went looking for some insect repellent in his bag – unfortunately that woke me up and I didn’t really get back to sleep properly,…
Another early start with people crashing round in the dark long before they needed to be – I really must go further from the truck with my tent! It was also another day of lots of dew and condensation so…
The first call to prayer was at 0515 and that seemed to be enough to stir people who were camping, to the point that someone turned the car park lights on at 0545 which made it like daylight in my…