This morning feels like a world away from the chaos of the road getting into town as we sit on the shady veranda enjoying decent coffee and a very good breakfast. The last three days I’ve been feeling pretty drained…

This morning feels like a world away from the chaos of the road getting into town as we sit on the shady veranda enjoying decent coffee and a very good breakfast. The last three days I’ve been feeling pretty drained…
My Thai dinner was superb – vegetable spring rolls and a red duck curry – flavours which are so common in our everyday diet at home but which I haven’t had for two months now. Mind you it worked out…
After almost two months of being awake at 0430 I’m finding it increasingly difficult to sleep in as late as I would like to on rest days – this morning I only managed to sleep through till just after eight…
While I had hoped to sleep late that didn’t end up being quite as late as I’d expected – by 0730 I was awake and starving, so making the seemingly ridiculously early 0800 breakfast wasn’t an issue. I guess when…
The last two rest days we’ve stayed in really nice hotels which definitely adds to the relaxation factor. Last week in Gorno, Russia I got a week’s worth of washing done for 100 RUB (which is roughly $3 USD). This…
Today I slept in late at a great breakfast helped Liz pack her bike wrote some blog posts uploaded a bunch of photos wandered into town with Michael to take our Russia photo had awesome crêpes (blini) for lunch did…
Today has been a rest day, and I’ve been taking things very slowly…! I had a bunch of jobs to do, and I’ve pretty much got them all done, but it’s taken all day. I tried to have a sleep-in,…
Today got off to a suitably slow start – I woke just after 0500 rolled over and promptly went back to sleep again until just after 0900 – perfect! The hotel breakfast was adequate for a rest day, but may…
Today has been a very welcome rest day, and after a late breakfast I spent much of the morning finishing and uploading blog posts and images before heading out for a wander round town. Today has been the festival “Splendor…
Today has been our second rest day, and after the trials and tribulations of the last couple of days riding it’s been very welcome. If only Ivan and I (who I’m currently sharing a room with) had had the good…