Steve's Cycling Blog

Meandering in Mörön

Today got off to a suitably slow start – I woke just after 0500 rolled over and promptly went back to sleep again until just after 0900 – perfect!

The hotel breakfast was adequate for a rest day, but may not be so good for a riding day tomorrow, maybe it was just because I was relatively late getting there but it was bread and cake basically…!

Next up was bike cleaning – six days of riding, including two of them off-road and things were pretty grimy. Mostly it doesn’t matter, but the drive train definitely needed a good scrub and lubricate.

From there I went off to explore more of the town. Apparently Mörön is renowned for producing top-class Mongolian wrestlers, and I’d heard that there were statutes of the three most famous at the wrestling stadium.

Wrestling stadium and the most famous of Mörön's wrestlers

Wrestling stadium and the most famous of Mörön’s wrestlers

Given that the youngest of these three shuffled of his mortal coil in 2002, I’d suggest that Mörön’s wrestling star may well be fading!

I also rescind yesterday’s comment about Mongolians liking their roofs in bright colours – they like everything in bright colours:

Bright and colourful!

Bright and colourful!

I stopped in at the museum but it was going to close for lunch break in 20 min, so I decided I’d go there later and came back to the hotel to take care of a few jobs that needed doing, including sending and paying a couple of company invoices.

After a refreshing beverage (otherwise known as a beer) I headed back to the museum – I needn’t have worried about the fact that they were closing in 20 min, it only took me 15 to see all of the sights! The most interesting was the range of clothing which they had (sadly, no photos allowed).

From there I headed into the last quarter of town I’d not visited and found the local market which is a sprawling affair offering anything and everything you may want or need.

I’m now back at the hotel after a nice lazy day (as Ron just described it) uploading photos and waiting for dinner time before packing the last of my things away and getting an early night, since as you can see we’ve got some pretty busy days ahead in the next few days

The plan for the next six days.

The plan for the next six days.

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