Steve's Cycling Blog

Another day of climbing (stage 106)

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In summary

  • wet overnight, cold in the morning, but dry as we packed up
  • hung out at camp and was last to leave
  • hills – lots of hills – big steep, slippery hills
  • lunch was super early at only 64 km
  • told the bulk of the climbing was done, but that turned out to be far from true – four hills over 5%, two of them long, and significantly steeper
  • showers off-and-on, but I mostly stayed dry
  • stopped at 112 km coke stop and had fun conversations with the locals who couldn’t quite believe what had arrived in their town (me)
  • raced this boy up the hill (his idea) – he did surprisingly well given he was holding an unwrapped ice-cream and on a tiny bike

    Racing this time...

    Racing this time…

  • more rain as I crossed the last pass
  • distances were out towards the end and camp came early – several people got lost as a consequence
  • long muddy ride into camp
  • first into camp – Grant was not pleased as he had got lost and then stuck in the mud having just cleaned his bike at a car-wash a few km back
  • got my tent up between showers
  • crew had strung up a tarp between trees as an additional shelter and lit an awesome fire which was very welcome
  • last riders (Ruth and Bruno) got in just as we were having (delayed) dinner – very long day for them, though did spend quite a bit of time sheltering and drinking çay along the way
  • managed to get most things dry by the fire before heading to (warm, dry) bed.


Stage 106 route notes

Stage 106 route notes

Riding data

View from my tent

It was so cold and wet I forgot!