As you probably gathered I was really taken with the Soviet-era signs which I saw as I passed through Russia so I thought I’d make a gallery with all of them in one place.

As you probably gathered I was really taken with the Soviet-era signs which I saw as I passed through Russia so I thought I’d make a gallery with all of them in one place.
Goodbye Russia, hello Kazakhstan With the added fun of a border crossing today breakfast was even earlier than usual at 0500. Because we were in a relatively confined area it meant that as soon as those eager beavers who seem…
When I first emerged from my tent shortly before 0445 to leave a small deposit in the bushes the sky was lightening and it looked like it was going to be a sunny day. Half an hour later once I’d…
If we thought the mossies were bad last night they had nothing on what they were like this morning – the moment you opened the tent door they descended en-mass and began feeding from any exposed skin! Also somewhat annoyingly…
There had been thundery showers off and on all day yesterday, and it rained a lot in the night as well – it was still pretty warm so I had the hotel room window open and I was woken by…
Today I slept in late at a great breakfast helped Liz pack her bike wrote some blog posts uploaded a bunch of photos wandered into town with Michael to take our Russia photo had awesome crêpes (blini) for lunch did…
Tarmac. Downhill. Tail wind. Shower. Four words to gladden the heart of any long-distance cyclist who’s been camping for the last seven days! Even though we’d stopped early yesterday today was going to be a quick and easy day to get…
Today’s ride was pretty simple – ride up to the top of the hill, then down the other side again. The 4km of ‘gravel’ from the camp to the main road reminded me of all the things I love about…
Though most people had decided to go for cabins, in the end I was really happy to be in my tent! It was cool, it was quite (discounting the river noise which actually helped to drown out anything else) and…
Somewhere in the night the wind really got up so by the time we got up it was really blowing – at least that kept the mossies at bay! With the really late end to yesterday we had the luxury…