There was a mozie in our room which was bothering Kevin shortly before 0300 so he went looking for some insect repellent in his bag – unfortunately that woke me up and I didn’t really get back to sleep properly,…

There was a mozie in our room which was bothering Kevin shortly before 0300 so he went looking for some insect repellent in his bag – unfortunately that woke me up and I didn’t really get back to sleep properly,…
Today we’ve had every sort of wind imaginable; head, tail, howling, gusty, side, gusty-side, and far too much gusty-howling-head! It blew pretty much all through the night and although there was lots of thunder and lightening only a sprinkle of…
Yesterday worked! Today I’m back to looking forward to the day which is probably just as well given that this is one of our longest riding stretches at seven days, and there are some pretty significant hills later in the…