Today’s ride was pretty simple – ride up to the top of the hill, then down the other side again.
The 4km of ‘gravel’ from the camp to the main road reminded me of all the things I love about tarmac – in fact a number of people were adding on about 1km to go more directly back to the main road and thereby avoid that section.
Once on the road it was surprisingly warm at 13ºC and the first 25km were relatively flat and easy going, but I just couldn’t seem to get into any sort of rhythm this morning.
I woke up with a headache, and am feeling generally tired and somewhat dehydrated today. I think my ‘good idea’ of making ‘iced’ (cold) tea yesterday may not have been such a good one as I think it had too much of a diuretic effect resulting in me peeing too much yesterday afternoon and not rehydrating fully after the hot climb.
Although the notes say the gradual climb begins at 38km, it seemed to begin sooner than that, more like 32km since between 32 and 38km we had to gain nearly 200m of elevation just to get to the 1100m we were ‘starting’ from.
The steep section between 54km and 56km was also pretty slow going – although I’d stopped for my 40km banana I also needed a 54km Snickers to get me up there and on to the top.
The temperature had dropped to 9ºC and we were really ‘up in the clouds’ at that point. I was just contemplating a Sprite when one of the local support vehicles turned up and dropped off Bernice who had apparently decided that the climb was more than she was interested in! Sprite consumed and it was off down the other side.
This bit was great fun:

Down we go…!
For 7.5km from the top I didn’t really do anything – didn’t need to pedal nor did I need to brake, I simply coasted down the hill!
Lunch arrived slightly earlier than anticipated as they’d set up next to the cafe which formed the 69km coke stop. While I was there a local couple stopped in their car and were interested in what was going on – having the TDA vans with their maps on the side is really handy for this, since you can simply point to Beijing, Istanbul, where we are currently, and a bike and everyone instantly gets it!
At lunch we also learnt that camp has been moved a little closer – presumably because of the forecast bad weather, and rather than being in a bush camp we’re in an actual campground.
It also seems that Ivan’s had a mechanical misfortune and has broken one of his crankshafts where the pedal bolts in – Grant saw him at the side of the road trying to super-glue it back together – I don’t like his chances…!! It seems this happend just after 40km, so he’s going to have a long walk to the top of the hill, then a combination of coasting and pedalling with one leg should get him in to camp.
From lunch to camp was still generally ‘down’ though not as steeply so pedalling was necessary and much like this morning I couldn’t find my groove, so it was simply a matter of keeping on keeping on and getting to camp.
Just after 107km there was a bonus shop not on the rider notes, and as it had warmed up somewhat by then I stopped in for an ‘ice cream’ – in quotes because it’s not really ice cream – I’m not entirely sure what it is, some sort of whipped, frozen dairy ‘stuff’, but it tastes pretty good all the same!
The campsite we’re in has a few cabins, but once again I’ve elected to put up my tent as it’s not yet raining so everything’s gone together in the dry – if/when it does rain I’m set, and with tomorrow being a rest day it doesn’t really matter if my tent’s wet in the morning (and it was better to get it dry today then leave it packed away wet for another 24 hours).
The only potential flaw in this plan is the number of caterpillars which are descending from the trees and crawling all over everything – it’s going to be super important to keep all zips closed! On the plus side, no evidence of mossies (at least so far 😉
Dan and the riders who are departing in Gorno have organised some drinks and nibbles for us all today ahead of dinner, and even desert to follow which was very kind of them all.
I’m particularly going to miss Dan, who is always so positive and interested in people and how their day has been, and Liz, who is similarly enthusiastic!
By the sounds of things the party’s going to last a while – hopefully they quieten down soon as I’m ready for sleep 🙂
Riding data
Total distance: | 115.77 km | Total Time: | 05:27:24 |
Max elevation: | 1707 m | Min elevation: | 596 m |
Total climbing: | 1194 m | Total descent: | -1401 m |
Average speed: | 21.22 km/h | Maximum speed: | 61.56 km/h |